
Posts Tagged ‘SharePoint Online’

#ProjectOnline / #ProjectServer #Project Site Finder #JavaScript #jQuery #Office365 #SharePoint

December 1, 2014 1 comment

This script will enable the users to quick find and navigate to the Project Site for a particular project. This is useful if you have many projects in the instance. The script can be downloaded from the script gallery below:

To get the script to work you will need to download the following jQuery library: jquery-2.1.1.min.js – jQuery download Another version of this library may work but this was the one I used / tested with. Upload this library to your PWA site collection then update the script file with the correct location. I uploaded this file to the site collection document library as you can see in the code below:


This example script does use the ProjectData API, so users will need access to that for this to work.

Once the script is downloaded, upload this to the PWA site collection, in this example it was uploaded to the site collection documents library. Choose where you want to script to be accessed, in this example I have placed it on the PWA homepage using a content editor web part:


The content link in my example is: /sites/pwa/SiteCollectionDocuments/Project Site Finder.js

Once loaded, the page will look like this:


The user can then type in part of the project name and click “Find Project”:


The Project Site ULR column will contain the associated project site URL with a clickable hyperlink that will open the project site in a new window / new tab.

This only uses intrinsic fields so should work for any Project Online environment but do test it thoroughly first. You might want to improve the error handling etc. before deploying to a production environment. Also remember this does require the user to have access to the ProjectData API for this to work.

The script is provided "As is" with no warranties etc.

Do You Want To Save Changes to the Document Template?

November 15, 2014 Leave a comment

Recently I started seeing the following message popping up every time I saved a Word document:


I hadn’t changed anything that I thought would start prompting me in this way, but I am using Office from an Office 365 subscription so I figured that Microsoft may have changed something.

After a bit of digging I found that an add-in had appeared to allow a document to be sent via Bluetooth:


This add-in turned out to be the culprit that was prompting me to save the document template and once disabled, the prompt disappeared.

To disable the add-in follow these steps:

Click on the File tab and select Options from the menu on the left.  This will open the Options dialogue.


Selecting the Add-ins option displays a list of the add-ins that are installed.  The Type column provides the details that enable the Manage drop-down to be selected appropriately.  In the case of this add-in the COM Add-ins should be managed.

Clicking Go… opens the following dialogue:


Uncheck the Send to Bluetooth add-in, click OK and restart Word.

The prompt should disappear.

#Office365 Single Sign On Smart Links

November 6, 2014 2 comments

Consider the following scenario… You have migrated your company intranet to SharePoint online and wish to deploy the site as the IE homepage for your staff.

You have ADFS to provide a rich single sign on experience but you still get the Microsoft organizational sign in page when you first login to Office 365.

Using ADFS 2.0 or above, on-prem staff can bypass this login and navigate directly to the SharePoint site by using Smart Links. External Staff will bypass the Microsoft Sign In screen and go straight to your ADFS Proxy landing page.

Interested? Let’s begin.




  • ADFS 3.0: Disable Extended protection token on ADFS Server to allow Fiddler HTTPS decryption
    Set-ADFSProperties -ExtendedProtectionTokenCheck None
  • IIS7 or above.


Step 1

Open Fiddler and enable HTTPS traffic decryption.
(It is not necessary to enable Windows 8 Mode even on a Windows 8 client for this procedure)


Step 2

Ensure you are logged out of Office 365 and sign into where you should meet the Office 365 login page. (This must be done internally)

Step 3

Open fiddler and login to Office 365.
You should be taken to your destination without having to enter in any credentials as normal.

(If you get an authentication prompt that will not resolve you need to disable extended protection in ADFS as per the prerequisites).

Step 4

Look for a HTTPS 302 redirection from your ADFS server and copy the URL to notepad.


Step 5

In notepad, remove the text between ls/? and wa=wsignin
Remove all text after wreply%3D

This is your Smart URL and this will form the base part of any links you wish to give out to Office 365.

Step 6

Append the URL after wreply%3D with the target Office365/SharePoint site you wish to direct your users to using base encoding.

For example, becomes https%253A%252F%252Fyourcompany%252Esharepoint%252Ecom

Or becomes https%253A%252F%252Fyourcompany%252Esharepoint%252Ecom%252Fsales

Substitute with your site URL as appropriate. The final link should look like this:




*Verify this link works by copying it into a IE Private Session that has not been logged into Office 365.

You should be taken straight into 365 and should not have to enter in your credentials.

Step 7

Create internal and external DNS records for your vanity URL to point to your IIS Server.

For example we want to use as an easy to remember link that passes single sign on and not the full URL we have created in Step 6.

As this is going to be our homepage set via group policy we need to ensure we can resolve this URL Internally and Externally.

Step 8

Create a new site in IIS for your vanity URL by right clicking the sites folder.

Create a new physical path (This will not be used) and add the DNS name you created in Step 7 to the host name.


Step 9

Select HTTP Redirect and paste your URL from Step 6 into the destination box.


Once these steps have been completed your users should be able to use easy to remember links to connect to Office 365 without the need to enter credentials.

This works for the Office 365 Suite with the exception of CRM.

To get CRM to work you will need to perform the same actions from Step 3 changing the Office 365 link you were going to, ( for example) to your CRM login.

Capture the URL and remove the text between ls/? and wa=wsignin

DO NOT append after wreply%3D otherwise the link will fail.

Continue the steps as described for the Office 365 smart link.


Excellent blog post from David Ross which forms the foundation of this blog post.

Official Microsoft Post

#Project-on-a-page for #Microsoft #ProjectOnline #PS2013 #JavaScript #jQuery #Office365 #SharePoint

October 26, 2014 Leave a comment

This script will display project information including project level data, milestones, issues and risks on one page on the associated Project Site in Project Online. The script can be downloaded from the script gallery below: 

To get the script to work you will need to download the following jQuery library: jquery-2.1.1.min.js – jQuery download Another version of this library may work but this was the one I used / tested with. Upload this library to your PWA site collection then update the script file with the correct location. I uploaded this file to the site collection document library as you can see in the code below:


Also notice the reference to the two references to the Data tables CSS and JS files. I just referenced the hosted files but you could download these and host them yourself – if hosting the data table files yourself you will need more than just the two files reference here.

Worth noting, the script will also work for Project Server On-prem but the milestone query will need to be updated to use JSOM REST (/api/ProjectServer/) as the ProjectData ODATA feed has a bug with filtering for boolean fields. The query will need to be updated to use the REST fields – these are named different to the ODATA equivalents.

In this example i had the jQuery library and the “Projectonapage on project site.js” file uploaded the site collection documents library but in reality you would probably load both of these somewhere else in the PWA site collection but the choice is yours. I then created a page on my Project Site just in the Shared Documents library but again, create the page where you like within your Project Site. On the page I add a content editor web part and reference my “Projectonapage on project site” JavaScript file. I also added a link on the Project Site quick launch to my new page. The output can be seen below.

When the page loads the dialog box below will display until all the data has been loaded:


Once loaded, the page will contain the project data:



This only uses intrinsic fields so should work for any Project Online environment but do test it thoroughly first. You might want to improve the error handling etc. before deploying to a production environment.

#Microsoft #ProjectOnline Reporting Pack v2 #MSProject #SharePointOnline #Office365 #PPM #Excel #BI #Data

October 19, 2014 Leave a comment

Following on from my recently released Project Online Reporting Pack, I have since added a new report to the pack – a milestone variance chart. This report is detailed in this post. For screenshots of the other reports and deployment steps, see:

The v2 Project Online Reporting pack with the 6 reports can be downloaded here:

Milestone Variance Report:

This report will show all of the marked milestones for the projects in the portfolio, you can filter by the Enterprise Project Type:


Look out for more reports / updates in the future.

#Microsoft #ProjectOnline Reporting Pack #MSProject #SharePointOnline #Office365 #PPM #Excel #BI #Data

September 5, 2014 Leave a comment

I have recently created a reporting pack / report starter pack for Project Online. These can be downloaded from the Microsoft Gallery link below:

Currently there are only 5 reports in the zip file but I will be regularly updating the existing reports and create additional reports. The reports will only use the intrinsic Project Online fields so will works for all deployments, the only requirement will be to repoint / update the data connections with the correct Project Online PWA URL – this is covered on this post.

The reports included so far can be seen below, the data isn’t great as it in my test data but you get the idea!

Issue Report:

This report will show all of the issues in the PWA site collection, you can filter by the Enterprise Project Type:


Risk Report:

This report will show all of the risks in the PWA site collection, you can filter by the Enterprise Project Type:


Portfolio Dashboard:

This report will display general information for the projects in the portfolio, this includes how the projects are split between EPTs, project costs, project work, issues and risk count then a detail table below. The data can be filtered by the Enterprise Project Type:



Project Highlight Report:

This Power View report displays general project related information including cost, work, %complete. It also includes milestones and marked tasks from the project plan as well as active issues and risks.


Project Dashboard:

This dashboard report displays general project related information including cost, work, %complete and  issue / risk information. It also includes milestones and marked tasks from the project plan.



These are the first 5 reports, others will follow in the future. When updates / change or additional reports are added I will update the zip file on the Microsoft Gallery but also blog about them too.

To get started with these reports once they are downloaded, see the steps below for one example report, in the example below we use the IssueDashboard file. The steps will need to be repeated for all reports / connections. Before you carry out the steps below, please ensure that your target PWA tenant has some data to populate all of the tables and charts in each Excel file, otherwise Excel will remove the tables or charts etc. If it is a new tenant, make sure you have some projects in there with work and cost including baselines, ensure there are milestones / marked tasks and ensure there are risks and issues for the associated projects.

  1. Open the Excel file in Excel 2013 and enable any connections if Excel prompts. When Excel prompts to login in, cancel this.
  2. Click Data > Connections and select Enterprise Project Type Slicer:
  3. image
  4. Click Properties then the Definition tab
  5. image
  6. The connection will be “”, this part of the connection needs to be updated for your PWA URL. There are two places in the connection string it needs to be updated, the Data Source property and the Base Url property. You can see both in the screen shot above where it has cpssalesonlinedemo2 and below I have updated this to Paulmather in both locations:
  7. image
  8. Click OK
  9. At this point Excel might prompt you to login in to your Office 365 PWA tenant – the your credentials if you have access to PWA and the ODATA Reporting Service, alternatively use an account that has admin access to PWA.
  10. clip_image002
  11. Repeat the same steps for the Issues Data connection.
  12. Refresh the data if required and you should see the dashboard update with your data.
  13. An additional step might be required if you want the Excel work book to automatically refresh on open and that is to enable the option “Refresh data when opening the file” on the Usage tab for each connection:
  14. image
  15. Now the file can be saved to your Project Online PWA instance so that users can view this file via the web using Excel Services.
  16. Repeat these steps for all Excel files in the Report Pack download. Please note some reports have more than 2 data connections, you will need to update them all.

Hope you find these useful, look out for more reports / updates in the future.

#ProjectServer / #ProjectOnline custom PWA homepage #PS2013 #PS2010 #SharePoint #HTML #MSProject

July 30, 2014 Leave a comment

This post covers an example landing page for PWA using HTML and an image. Firstly select your chosen image and add on containers, other images, text etc. – anything you want really to define the image hotspots. These hotspots will become links. See my example below:

Image for PWA homepage example

This was a picture taken from a recent trip to Venice Smile

Upload the image to the PWA site collection.

Once you have the chosen / updated image you need to create the hotspots or image maps.There are plenty of tools available or online sites that do this. I have used the following site: 

Upload your chosen image then add the image maps as shown below:


Once all the maps are added update the other properties such as Href, Alt and the target.

Scroll down and you will see the code, copy and past this into notepad or your favourite HTML editor:


Now you need to update the HMTL to add the image reference and tag the map to the image, see the first line:


Navigate to you PWA homepage and add a script editor or content editor web part then paste the HTML code in:


I used a script editor web part in this example.

Now the image will be loaded to PWA with clickable links on the image maps Smile


This was just an example so I didn’t spend much time on the image but with a creative mind you could really liven up your PWA homepage, Project Sites or any SharePoint landing page etc.

Supporting post for #ProjectServer 2013/ #ProjectOnline project fields displayed on project site #JavaScript #jQuery

June 10, 2014 Leave a comment

As mentioned when I published the JavaScript code that displays project level information on the project site, here is the supporting blog post. The quick post that references the script is below:

The script can be downloaded from the Microsoft Script Gallery below:

Firstly, as with the other JavaScript files I have published you will need jQuery:

jquery-1.8.3.min.js – jQuery download

A later version of this library may work but this was the one I used / tested with.

Upload this library to your PWA site collection then update the script file with the correct location. I uploaded this file to the site assets library as you can see in the code below:


Like the Project Milestone JavaScript file I wrote, you will also notice the reference to the default SharePoint JS files and the two references to the Data tables CSS and JS files. I just referenced the hosted files but you could download these and host them yourself – if hosting the data table files yourself you will need more than just the two files reference here. For a production environment I would probably recommend downloading and hosting the jQuery data tables locally.

Once the script has been downloaded you will notice that I have used 6 default project level fields and 2 custom fields. The two custom fields are Programme and RAGPMStatus. These can be seen on the select below:


Programme and RAGPMStatus are custom to my test environment but I added these to show that default and custom project level fields can easily be added. To get the script to work you can either add these fields to your configuration – probably fine for a test environment, or modify the script to remove the custom fields or add your own. Here I will assume you want to add 2 of your own project level custom fields. Below are parts of the script that will need to be modified to accept your own 2 project level custom fields. For simplicity we will assume that the two new fields are Project Location and Project RAG. Project RAG is associated to a lookup table with the following 3 values: Green, Amber, Red.

Starting from the top of the script file here are all the places you will need to modify to get the two new fields in the code.

  • In the table, update the two column headers, replace Programme with Project Location and replace RAG Status with Project RAG.
  • Update the select query, replace Programme with ProjectLocation and replace RAGPMStatus with ProjectRAG.
  • On the first if statement replace Programme with ProjectLocation and replace RAGPMStatus with ProjectRAG.
  • In the data table processing section, replace Programme with ProjectLocation and replace RAGPMStatus with ProjectRAG for the aoColumns parameter
  • In the data table processing section for the aoColumnDefs parameter update the fnCreatedCell if statement with the correct lookup table values for the Project RAG field. So in this example replace On schedule [Green] with Green and Slipping but can mitigate [Amber] with Amber. You might also want to change the cell and font colors.

Once updated, add the script to your PWA site collection, I uploaded this to the Style Library. Then add a content editor web part to the project site and reference the uploaded project information JS file. If you want this to be on all project sites then you would need to create a new project site template with the JS file added.

Once added to a project site the project information will be visible for that project:


#ProjectServer #project milestones on the project site #ProjectOnline #PS2013 #SharePoint #JavaScript #jQuery #SP2013 #Office365

May 12, 2014 Leave a comment

This is another script I have written and published yesterday. It will display any project milestones on the associated project site. This JavaScript file can be downloaded from the Microsoft Script gallery:

To get the script to work you will need to download the following jQuery library:

jquery-1.8.3.min.js – jQuery download

A later version of this library may work but this was the one I used / tested with.

Upload this library to your PWA site collection then update the script file with the correct location. I uploaded this file to the site assets library as you can see in the code below:


Also notice the reference to the default SharePoint JS files and the two references to the Data tables CSS and JS files. I just referenced the hosted files but you could download these and host them yourself – if hosting the data table files yourself you will need more than just the two files reference here.

Add the script to your PWA site collection, I uploaded this to the Style Library. Then add a content editor web part to the project site and reference the uploaded project milestones JS file. If you want this to be on all project sites then you would need to create a new project site template.

Once added to a project site the milestones will be visible for that project:


The table can be sorted using the controls on the table.

If no milestones exist in the associated project then the table displays the default no data available message:


Create a milestone in that project and you will see that appear on the associated project site after publishing:


A nice simple script to allow your users to see project milestones on the Project Site. Download today and try it Smile

Most Business Value #App for #Office #Project 2013 just got better #Office365 #ProjectOnline

May 10, 2014 Leave a comment

CPS’ free Task Auditor App for Project 2013 just got better. The App that won 1st place for Most Business Value in the recent App Awards now supports Dutch and Swedish locales. Download today:

See the blog post below for details on the app: