
Posts Tagged ‘MSOffice’

Word Formulas

November 15, 2014 Leave a comment

It is a common practice to perform calculations in Excel, and then to copy the calculations into Word.  A drawback to this approach is the double entry (and double update) of values.

There is another option: Word formulas.

I have created a simple table in Word 2013 with 4 columns and 5 rows and put some information in:


It doesn’t look like much and doesn’t have any totals, so first off, I am going to make it look a little better:


I have selected the DESIGN tab and chosen an orange theme for the table so it now looks like this:


Now I do not want the first column to be quite so orange, but I do want a total column on the left and a total row at the bottom.

Again, under the DESIGN tab, I have selected the Table Style Options that I want:


And now the table looks like this:


Almost there, all that remains is the totals.

First off, the row totals.  Placing the cursor in the total column for the first row and selecting the LAYOUT tab displays the Formula button in the ribbon:


This displays a dialogue box to allow a formula to be entered into the cell:


The formula the is need to SUM the values to the LEFT is SUM(LEFT).

There are options for the format of the number that are similar to those in Excel, and there are other functions that can be selected fro the Paste function drop-down.

Once the value of the formula has been inserted into each of the rows, the values will be displayed.


But as can be seen in the image above, if you copy the formula, the previous value will be displayed.  To update the values, place the cursor in the value generated from the formula and press F9 or right click and select Update Field.


To get the totals in the bottom row insert a formula with the value SUM(ABOVE)


Most Business Value #App for #Office #Project 2013 just got better #Office365 #ProjectOnline

May 10, 2014 Leave a comment

CPS’ free Task Auditor App for Project 2013 just got better. The App that won 1st place for Most Business Value in the recent App Awards now supports Dutch and Swedish locales. Download today:

See the blog post below for details on the app:

CPS’ #Office #Project Task Auditor #App wins first place at #SPC14 App #Awards #SharePoint

March 4, 2014 Leave a comment

The Task Auditor app from CPS won first place for the “Most Business Value Project” App at the SharePoint Conference 2014 in Las Vegas:


This is a free Project task pane app, go try it out and see what you think Smile

See the links below for details:

App store:

Product site: 

Blog post:

Free #Project 2013 App from CPS #Office365 #Office #Apps #ProjectServer #ProjectOnline

December 17, 2013 1 comment

Just a quick post to highlight a new app that CPS have released for Project 2013, this is the Task Auditor app and can be downloaded using the link below:

The app can be seen below:


The home page gives a description of the app but also contains a check box to allow the use of Cookies – if you don’t allow the use of Cookies then the configuration settings will not be available and some of the checks might not be 100% accurate.

After checking the check box to allow Cookies, clicking on a task update the app to show the results for the particular task:


At this point also notice there are three tabs, Task, Configure and Help. If you don’t allow Cookies the Configure and Help Tabs will not be visible. The Task Tab displays the checks / tests results for the selected task. The Configure Tab allows the user the enter duration settings and date format:


This is to allow correct calculations for a couple of the checks. These settings are saved and only have to be updated once / as required.

The Help Tab gives details / support for the Configure Tab:


The tests carried out will depend on the type of task selected, Milestone, Summary Task, Work Task etc. The images below show a summary task selected and then a normal work task selected:

Summary Task:


Work Task:


Hovering over the checks, a tooltip gives more information on the check:


Take a look, its free Smile