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Getting started with #ProjectOnline Round up #PS2013 #Office365 #Project #PPM #SharePointOnline #PM #SP2013

Hopefully some of you would have seen that I finished the final post on the “Getting started with Project Online” series last week. I realised that there were quite a few posts (9 altogether) so thought some sort of summary would be beneficial for all. Below you will find a summary for all the posts I created in the series with links to each post.

Part 1 – Project Online creation
This post focused how to create the Project Online instance on the Office 365 tenant

Part 2 – Project Online permission mode and Enterprise Custom fields
This post focused what to do first after creating the Project Online tenant, it starts with the permission mode then moves on the Enterprise Custom fields

Part 3 – Project Professional Enterprise Global
This post focused on creating Project Professional Enterprise Global views

Part 4 – Project Web App (PWA) views
This post focused on creating PWA views

Part 5 – EPTs and PDPs
This post focused on what Enterprise Project Types (EPT) and Project Detail Pages (PDP) are and how to create them

Part 6 – Project plan and project site templates
This post focused on how to create plan templates as well as custom project site templates

Part 7 – Adding resources / data to Project Online
This post focused on how to populate the resource pool and creating projects in Project Online

Part 8 – Using Project Web App for viewing / editing data
This post focused on the different areas in the Project Web App where you can view and edit data

Part 9 – Reporting / ODATA
This post focused mainly on the ODATA feed and how to create efficient ODATA queries for use in Excel

Hopefully you have found this series interesting and I hope that you are getting the most out of your Project Online and Office 365 tenants. Smile

For help and advice don’t forget the Project TechNet forums for any Project, Project Online or Project Server related query:


Or speak with a Project and Portfolio Management certified partner:


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